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Content Date Cost Contractor Rank Address Contractor
3715 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
Sfr-3172htd, 414garage, 1632unfinbsmt (plan# 2005-0443)
Date:  April 6, 2005
Value:   $216,180
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200505242
2005/04/06216180843715 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
38 Bridlington Dr Greensboro Nc
Sfr- 2513htd, 413garage, - 4 bedrooms (plan#2005-1351)
Date:  August 2, 2005
Value:   $179,144
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200515719
2005/08/021791448438 Bridlington Dr Greensboro NcMccar Homes
38 Durness Way Greensboro Nc
4-bdrm sfr - htd 2670;garage 395 2005-1089
Date:  February 1, 2006
Value:   $189,460
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 4196 Mendenhall Oaks Pkwy High Point Nc 27265 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200601665
2006/02/011894608438 Durness Way Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3708 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
4 bdrm - sfr htd 2786 gar 3 plan# 2005-0260
Date:  March 22, 2005
Value:   $142,920
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200503028
2005/03/22142920843708 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3709 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
4 bdrm - sfr htd 3172 gar 414 plan# 2005-0261
Date:  March 17, 2005
Value:   $161,370
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200503031
2005/03/17161370843709 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3826 Durness Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr- 2786htd, 400garage, - 4 bedrooms (plan#2005-1527)
Date:  September 2, 2005
Value:   $189,448
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200517677
2005/09/02189448843826 Durness Way Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3814 Bridlington Dr Greensboro Nc
Sfr- 2513htd, 407garage- 4 bedrooms (plan# 2005-1349)
Date:  August 2, 2005
Value:   $179,024
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200515722
2005/08/02179024843814 Bridlington Dr Greensboro NcMccar Homes
38 Durness Way Greensboro Nc
4-bdrm sft - htd 2725garage 413 ref # 2005-0922
Date:  July 12, 2006
Value:   $193,560
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 4196 Mendenhall Oaks Pkwy #150 High Point Nc 27265 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200615043
2006/07/121935608438 Durness Way Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3705 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
Sales trailer - willoughby park
Date:  January 14, 2005
Value:   $3,400
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mdr Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: Business | Permit id: 200425410
2005/01/143400843705 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
37 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
4-bdrm sfr - htd 26 garage 395 - 2005-0579
Date:  December 28, 2005
Value:   $189,560
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200527178
2005/12/281895608437 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3809 Durness Way Greensboro Nc
4-bdrm sfr - htd 2599;garage 411; bsmt 1434;deck 1 2005-1344
Date:  February 1, 2006
Value:   $216,032
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 4196 Mendenhall Oak Pkwy High Point Nc 27265 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200601662
2006/02/01216032843809 Durness Way Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3809 Bridlington Dr Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-2942/ gar-395---4bdrs/ plan # 2005-1088
Date:  June 21, 2005
Value:   $207,956
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200512208
2005/06/21207956843809 Bridlington Dr Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3712 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-2797/ gar-431--4bdrs/ 2005-0921
Date:  June 2, 2005
Value:   $198,816
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mdc Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200510216
2005/06/02198816843712 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3701 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-3172/ gar-414---4bdrs/ 2005-0920
Date:  June 2, 2005
Value:   $223,976
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mdr Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200510212
2005/06/02223976843701 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3702 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-3495/ gar-414/basement-1540/ dk=porch-120--4bdrs/2005-0919
Date:  June 6, 2005
Value:   $277,140
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200510208
2005/06/06277140843702 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3733 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-3172/ gar-414/ basement-1632/ dk-porch-120/2005-0923
Date:  June 6, 2005
Value:   $230,816
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200510204
2005/06/06230816843733 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3735 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-2786/ gar-400/basement-1916/ dk/porch-120--4bdrs/2005-0918
Date:  June 13, 2005
Value:   $209,968
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200510206
2005/06/13209968843735 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3824 Durness Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-2786/ gar-400/ ref #2005-0794
Date:  September 7, 2005
Value:   $197,448
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200518664
2005/09/07197448843824 Durness Way Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3828 Durness Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-2670/ gar-395--plan ref # 2005-0922
Date:  September 7, 2005
Value:   $189,460
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200518662
2005/09/07189460843828 Durness Way Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3811 Durness Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-3495/ gar-414- dk porch-120/ basement-1632/ plan # 2005-0923
Date:  September 7, 2005
Value:   $280,980
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200518661
2005/09/07280980843811 Durness Way Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3812 Bridlington Dr Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-2977/ gar-380--4bdrs/ plan # 2005-0795
Date:  May 19, 2005
Value:   $183,036
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200508473
2005/05/19183036843812 Bridlington Dr Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3813 Durness Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr- 2786htd, 416garage, 1916bsmt, 120deck/porch- 4 bedrooms (plan#2005-1526)
Date:  September 2, 2005
Value:   $238,488
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200517670
2005/09/02238488843813 Durness Way Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3716 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
4 bdrm - sfr htd / 2797 gar / 431 (plan# 2005-0579)
Date:  April 11, 2005
Value:   $198,816
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200506326
2005/04/11198816843716 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3713 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
4 bdrm - sfr htd / 2599 gar / 411 (plan# 2005-0578)
Date:  April 8, 2005
Value:   $184,952
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200506322
2005/04/08184952843713 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3713 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
4 bdrm - sfr htd / 2599 gar / 411. Per dana, thispermit is canceled. (dr)
Value:   $184,952
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Cancelled | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200506321
184952843713 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
37 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-3307/ gar-280-4bdrs/ plan # 2005-0302
Date:  March 16, 2005
Value:   $165,915
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mdc Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200503502
2005/03/161659158437 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3815 Durness Way Greensboro Nc
4 bdrm - sfr htd / 3495 gar / 414 ( ref plan# 2005-0261 )
Date:  October 14, 2005
Value:   $229,940
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Willoughby Park Subdivision | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200521653
2005/10/14229940843815 Durness Way Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3804 Durness Way Greensboro Nc
4 bdrm - sfr htd / 2744 gar / 413 ( ref plan# 2005-0922 )
Date:  April 20, 2006
Value:   $194,852
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200607473
2006/04/20194852843804 Durness Way Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3806 Bridlington Dr Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-3172/ gar-414/ basement-1625/ dk porch120/ref plan # 2005-0443
Date:  April 24, 2006
Value:   $242,376
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200608231
2006/04/24242376843806 Bridlington Dr Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3822 Durness Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-2517/garage-413/3bdrs/ ref plan #2005-0922
Date:  April 24, 2006
Value:   $162,916
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Willoughby Park Subdivision | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200608232
2006/04/24162916843822 Durness Way Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3808 Durness Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-3172/ ga-414/3bdrs/ ref plan # 2005-0261
Date:  April 24, 2006
Value:   $207,476
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Willoughby Park Subdivision | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200608233
2006/04/24207476843808 Durness Way Greensboro NcMccar Homes
38 Durness Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-4303/gar-410/ 3bdrs/ plan # 2006-0703
Date:  May 15, 2006
Value:   $284,304
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200608234
2006/05/152843048438 Durness Way Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3808 Bridlington Dr Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-3494/ gar-414/ basement-1625/ deck-porch-120/ unheated-2159 ref plan # 2005-0443
Date:  May 3, 2006
Value:   $280,772
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200608660
2006/05/03280772843808 Bridlington Dr Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3804 Bridlington Dr Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-3627/ gr-414/ basement-1722/ dk porch-1200/ ref plan # 2005-0443
Date:  May 23, 2006
Value:   $291,756
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200610727
2006/05/23291756843804 Bridlington Dr Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3723 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-3627/ gar-414/ basement-1722/ ref plan # 2005-0443
Date:  July 17, 2006
Value:   $289,356
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200615639
2006/07/17289356843723 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3802 Durness Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-2764/ gar-411/3bdrs/ plan # 2005-0578
Date:  March 20, 2006
Value:   $196,172
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Greensboro Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200605524
2006/03/20196172843802 Durness Way Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3721 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-3494/ gar-414/ basement-1625/ deck porch-120/ ref plan # 2005-0443
Date:  July 6, 2006
Value:   $280,772
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200614645
2006/07/06280772843721 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3717 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
Sfr- 2786htd, 400garage, 1916bsmt, 120deck/porch- 4 bedrooms (plan#2005-1350)
Date:  August 2, 2005
Value:   $238,168
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200515720
2005/08/02238168843717 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
37 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
4 bdrm - sfr htd / 2599 gar / 411 basement / 1427 deck/porch - 1 (ref plan# 2005-1344)
Date:  May 3, 2006
Value:   $215,892
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200608783
2006/05/032158928437 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3725 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
Sfr/htd 2764/baths 2. 5/gar 411/basement 1556/deck porch 1 contact person maurine allen 423-8989
Date:  October 13, 2006
Value:   $229,692
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200622754
2006/10/13229692843725 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3727 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
Sfr/htd 2764/baths 2. 5/gar 411/basement 1556/deck porch 1 contact person maurine allen 423-8989
Date:  October 13, 2006
Value:   $229,692
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200622755
2006/10/13229692843727 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3706 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
Basements---1632-new construction permit already approved under # 200425124/ plan# 2005-0038
Date:  January 18, 2005
Value:   $53,000
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mdr Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: Addition | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200500483
2005/01/1853000843706 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3711 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
5 bdrm - sfr htd / 3495 gar / 414 ( plan# 2005-1018 )
Date:  June 13, 2005
Value:   $245,940
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200511539
2005/06/13245940843711 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3805 Bridlington Dr Greensboro Nc
4 bdrm - sfr htd / 2513 gar / 407 ( plan# 2005-1019 )
Date:  June 15, 2005
Value:   $179,024
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200511540
2005/06/15179024843805 Bridlington Dr Greensboro NcMccar Homes
38 Durness Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-2797/ gar-431/ 4bdrs-plan #2005-0579
Date:  November 14, 2005
Value:   $198,816
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200524292
2005/11/141988168438 Durness Way Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3814 Durness Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-2786/ gar-400/ 4bdrs/ ref plan # 2005-0794
Value:   $181,448
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200603812
181448843814 Durness Way Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3814 Durness Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-2786/ gar-400/ ref plan # 2005-0794 sheathing inspection
Date:  February 24, 2006
Value:   $197,448
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200603813
2006/02/24197448843814 Durness Way Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3812 Durness Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-3495/ gar-414/ 5bdrs/ ref plan # 2005-1018
Date:  February 24, 2006
Value:   $245,940
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200603992
2006/02/24245940843812 Durness Way Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3816 Durness Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-2942/ gar-392/4bdrs/ ref. Plan # 2005-0922
Date:  February 24, 2006
Value:   $207,956
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200603993
2006/02/24207956843816 Durness Way Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3806 Durness Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr htd / 2976 gar / 3 ( ref plan# 2005-0302 )
Date:  March 8, 2006
Value:   $115,856
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 4196-1 Mendenhall High Point Nc 27265 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200604698
2006/03/08115856843806 Durness Way Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3705 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-2725/ gar-413/ 4bdrs/ ref plan # (2005-0922)
Date:  May 12, 2006
Value:   $193,560
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200609853
2006/05/12193560843705 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3703 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
5 bdrm - sfr htd / 2786 gar / 4 ( plan# 2005-1021 )
Date:  June 14, 2005
Value:   $197,448
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mdr Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200511541
2005/06/14197448843703 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3706 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-3172/ gar-414---4bdrs---plan #---2004-2009
Date:  December 22, 2004
Value:   $197,723
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mdr Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200425124
2004/12/22197723843706 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3731 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
Sfr- 2882htd, 411garage, 1434basement,120deck/porch (plan#2005-1344)
Date:  August 18, 2005
Value:   $235,276
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200515712
2005/08/18235276843731 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3818 Durness Way Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-3307/ gar-380--4bdrs/ plan # 2005-0795
Date:  September 15, 2005
Value:   $232,476
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Greensboro Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200519283
2005/09/15232476843818 Durness Way Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3718 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-2830/ gar-400---4bdrs/ plan # 2005-0794
Date:  May 19, 2005
Value:   $173,440
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200508472
2005/05/19173440843718 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3807 Bridlington Dr Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-2599/ gar-411---4bdrs/plan # 2005-0578
Date:  September 15, 2005
Value:   $184,952
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200519282
2005/09/15184952843807 Bridlington Dr Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3729 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-3172/ gar-414/ basement-1632/ 4bdrs/ref plan# 2005-0923
Date:  March 2, 2006
Value:   $256,616
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200603811
2006/03/02256616843729 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3719 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
4 bdrm - sfr htd / 2884 gar / 411 basement / 1566 ( ref plan# 2005-1344 )
Date:  April 26, 2006
Value:   $235,652
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200607467
2006/04/26235652843719 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3816 Bridlington Dr Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-2942/ gar-395--4bdrs/ 2005-0922
Date:  June 10, 2005
Value:   $207,956
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200510205
2005/06/10207956843816 Bridlington Dr Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3714 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-2942/ gar-395--4bdrs/ plan # 2005-1089
Date:  June 21, 2005
Value:   $207,956
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mdc Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200512205
2005/06/21207956843714 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3809 Bridlington Dr Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-2942/ gar-395/ 4bdrs
Value:   $207,956
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Cancelled | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200512207
207956843809 Bridlington Dr Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3707 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-3172/ gar-414/ 3bdrs/ ref plan # 2005-0443
Date:  November 22, 2006
Value:   $223,976
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200625343
2006/11/22223976843707 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes
3704 Worthing Ct Greensboro Nc
Sfr-htd-3306/ gar-380/ basement-1585/ deck porch-120-4bdrs/ plan # 2006-2226
Date:  December 28, 2006
Value:   $266,508
Contractor: Mccar Homes
Electrical Contractor:< Hodges
Plumbing Contractor: Carter

Client: Mccar Homes | Client Address: 101 Mallard Creek Rd Charlotte Nc 28262 | Permit type: New construction | Permit status: Final inspection made | Current use: One family residence | Permit id: 200625344
2006/12/28266508843704 Worthing Ct Greensboro NcMccar Homes

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